As D-day draws near for the most anticipated election reporters scurry to report any dirt that: may or may not influence voters; or at the very least provide entertainment and/or water cooler discussions; or attract more readers for their newspapers (let’s face it since the invention of the iPod it seems people have just stopped reading altogether) - Sarah Palin does not disappoint. The first headline on AOL two days ago was Sarah Palin’s wardrobe bill that apparently was paid for by campaign’s finances (ultimately tax payers dollars?) – a whopping $150,000 (wish I was her at this point!).
According to AOL Sarah Palin’s September shopping spree consisted of Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale’s and not to exclude her little one a $295 stroller.
We all can relate when we go on a job interview we want to look beyond what’s considered our best. Appearances are important for interviews especially one where you’re interviewing to become VP of one of the most powerful countries in the world (hey let’s face it we can’t really say in good judgment that the U.S. is the most powerful anymore - according to papers China is on the fast track to becoming the most powerful; therefore, the U.S. is now just one of the most powerful countries-but I digress) you have to look even more qualified and capable than your competition; however, doesn’t McCain have enough disposable income to foot the bill if Palin doesn’t?
Coming from a team that preaches financial prudence and tightening the nation’s budgets by possibly cutting major programs that help ordinary citizens (like you and me), shouldn’t the same theory be applied to Palin’s wardrobe? Macy’s has a section that isn’t so expensive yet is professional. Ann Taylor, Banana Republic and Zara are some other stores where you can find professional attire at a reasonable price. As for the $295 stroller really Palin could have foot the bill on her own. It seems that McCain and Palin are only willing to preach but not practice what they preach. The little guy must pay for their expenses while they (the big guys) sit back and enjoy the benefits.
Will the Maverick and his partner take this same line of thinking into the White House? If so on November 4th we all better make sure to vote for the right candidate.