The 2008 Presidential campaign has been one exciting event thus far. Neither party has been short on entertainment; however, I must say one party has been more entertaining than the other and that party is, the Republican Party. In today’s AM New York an article titled “Feminists: We fought for this?” featured living and dead past female Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates and feminists weighing in on Sarah Palin as the Republican VP pick. The discussion panel consisted of Shirley Chisholm, Geraldine Ferraro, Bella Abzug, Barbara Jordan Susan B. Anthony and Hillary Clinton (interesting women no one can argue). All of the women were either amused or dismayed at the Republican’s choice. Geraldine’s comment was the most hilarious. Chisholm asks Ferraro why she’s been quiet throughout the entire discussion. Ferraro replies, ‘She could have picked Dick Cheney. She could have picked Spiro Agnew, for Christsake. And yet she hadn’t chose any of them… she chose me.’ Most of t...